I was gifted this racing wing by a buddy who knew I was into FPV. Previously I had never seen a racing wing setup with this carbon fiber quad like frame. Upon searching the internet for what this thing is I found (https://miniracewing.com/). It seems initially it was a 2017 “new and greatest thing” in FPV wing racing. It failed because it was extremely overpriced and wasnt “so durable” that spending the money was any cheaper than buying 10 new FPV wings of the time. But since it was a gift and I needed a cool project to practice making custom 3D printing parts and wanted to go fast I decided to make a build.

The biggest issue I have had so far is opening it up to work on anything. The motor mount uses friction from the bottom and the top plate to hold it on and whenever you need to work on anything you need to take off the top play and the motor mount falls out. It is a huge pain. I do not have anything to cut carbon fiber but I plan on working with a friend to make a split top plate so I can work on the flight controller or VTX and the motor will stay intact. Let me know what you think.

Flight Video

This is my second flight on this plane.

I hate hand launching wings, and I dont like to ask people to do it because it places their hands near the prop.

This launcher is essentially just a ramp and is entirely dependant on the thrust of the aircraft I am launching. It worked here because this aircraft has a thurst to weight ratio of ~2.5.

The CG was a lot farther forward than I had planned but it is better to have a nose heavy plane that flies poorly than a tail heavy plane that flies once.

All of the left and right turning is due to me setting up Autotune which requires you to do full control deflections many many times.


Ardupilot VTOL Aeroscout